Each year, Ouagadougou Partnership donors and partners from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; USAID; the development agencies of France, Canada, and the Netherlands; the United Nations (UNFPA); and other institutions join together to visits partners and Ministries of Health in Francophone West Africa to learn more about the Partnership’s progress in the region. This year, nearly 50 people participated in this caravan, including donors, technical partners, civil society organizations, and government representatives.
Since its inception in 2011, the Partnership’s progress has been unprecedented, helping increase the number of users of modern contraceptive methods in the region by 2.8 million women and girls, nearly doubling the “modern contraceptive prevalence rate” in less than a decade.
The annual donor caravan not only provides donors and partners the opportunity to see the Ouagadougou Partnership in action – in real time, on the ground – but also provides a unique opportunity for the group to strengthen its bond, helping the Partnership continue to grow and scale its impact across Francophone West Africa.
Follow along on this year’s three-country tour by clicking on the images below and scrolling through the gallery. All photos graciously provided by the Ouagadougou Partnership.